Surprising Facts About Aluminum

aluminum sheet metalWhen it comes to useful metals, aluminum may be one of the most diverse and widespread materials on the planet. In fact, it is one of the most abundant metals found in the Earth, after oxygen and silicon, and it has been used in man-made structures, tools, and other things for centuries.

Even though most people use at least a few items made with aluminum on a daily basis, there are many surprising facts about the metal that are not common knowledge. We’re here to go over a few of the things even you may not know about this useful metal.

Aluminum is found in all types of place, some more surprising than others. For instance, did you know that the top of the Washington Monument is made from aluminum? That’s right; there is almost a foot of aluminum capping the top of the structure, which serves as a lightning rod.

Although aluminum is a common metal, it is actually more abundant than many people think. In fact, an average of 2 million tons of aluminum is used every year just for packaging, let alone all of the other industries that manufacture goods with the metal.

Many people know that aluminum is easily recyclable, which makes it great for any business owners who are environmentally conscious. But what is more surprising is that as much as three fourths of all aluminum ever produced is still being used to this day. That figure goes to show just how recyclable this metal actually is in a practical sense.

There is so much to learn and understand about aluminum, so take some time to think about how this metal actually impacts your daily life. And remember to recycle it when possible!